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ICCID_in Cellular_IoT
Julia SamaraJuly 29, 20248 min read

The Role of ICCID in Advancing Cellular IoT Networks

When exploring the realm of cellular IoT, you’ll come across numerous technical terms. One of the key terms to understand is the ICCID number. But what is it and why is it so important for IoT devices?

What is an ICCID Number?

ICCID stands for Integrated Circuit Card Identifier. This code, usually between 19 and 20 digits, uniquely identifies each SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card used in mobile devices. It’s crucial for tracking and managing SIM cards across mobile networks.

Whether you use a traditional SIM that can be swapped between devices, or an eSIM that’s built into your device, each one has its own ICCID. This number is crucial as it allows each SIM card to be uniquely identified and managed by the network.

Typically, the ICCID is printed on the physical SIM card, so you can easily see it without technical tools. It's also embedded digitally within the SIM, which allows network operators to access it electronically whenever necessary.

The importance of the ICCID is its role as a unique identifier for each SIM card globally. It helps with network management tasks. These include activating new services, migrating services to new devices, and troubleshooting issues.




Breaking Down the ICCID Number

The ICCID is composed of several parts, each carrying crucial information about the SIM card. Let’s break down an example number 8967101234567890123 to clarify the structure and significance of each segment:

  • Issuer Identification Number (IIN): 8967

The first 2 to 4 digits (89 in this case) are a constant used internationally as per ISO 7812 standard to denote a telecommunications application. The '67' often represents the telecom operator or the country of issuance. In this example, '8967' could indicate a specific operator within a given country.

  • Country Code (CC): 101

Following the IIN, the next 2 or 3 digits are the country code, also known as the Mobile Country Code (MCC). Here, '101' could be a fictional representation of the country where the SIM was issued. This is crucial for identifying the SIM card's country in wireless networks.

  • SIM Card Issuer Identifier (II): 234

This part, also known as the Mobile Network Code (MNC), can be 2 or 3 digits long. It identifies the mobile network provider.  Here, '234' specifies a particular carrier. 

This is essential for identifying the network, especially when a device roams internationally, allowing it to connect to a local network using this identifier. Sometimes, due to partnerships between cellular companies, the MNC might reflect a partner company rather than the original network operator.

  • Account Identification (N’s): 56789012

These digits constitute the unique SIM number or account ID. While the preceding parts of the ICCID can be the same across multiple SIM cards, this set of digits ensures each SIM card's uniqueness.

  • Checksum (C): 3

The final digit of the ICCID is a checksum, calculated using the Luhn algorithm from the previous digits. This is used to validate the ICCID, ensuring it is a valid and complete identifier.

  • Extra Digit (x):

Not present in this example, but some ICCIDs may include an extra digit at the end. This digit  is not officially part of the ICCID as per international standards.

It is used for internal purposes by mobile network operators or SIM card manufacturers. These purposes can include additional checks, inventory management, or other internal tracking needs specific to the organization's systems and processes. However, it does not affect the standard functionality or global uniqueness of the ICCID.


Each segment of the ICCID provides valuable information, helping in the precise identification and management of SIM cards globally. With the growing number of SIM cards, the structure of ICCID ensures each card can be individually tracked and managed.


How to Find ICCID Number

Finding your ICCID number is straightforward. It’s usually printed directly on the SIM card. Alternatively, you can find it through your device's settings. On most smartphones, go to the settings menu, select "About Phone," and view the ICCID number.

  • How to find ICCID number on iPhone: go to Settings -> General -> About
  • How to find ICCID number on Samsung: go to Settings -> Connections -> SIM Manager -> SIM card or eSIM (select the one you need) -> More Information
  • How to find ICCID number on Android devices: go to Setting -> About Phone -> SIM Status


Why the ICCID is Crucial for Cellular IoT

The ICCID number has several key functions in cellular IoT systems:

Device Management

Network operators rely on ICCID numbers to efficiently manage their devices. These numbers enable operators to activate, deactivate, and keep track of individual devices. This is especially crucial in large-scale IoT operations, where thousands of devices must operate flawlessly together.

Network Registration

ICCID numbers play a fundamental role in network registration. When a SIM card is installed, the ICCID is checked to ensure it matches the network’s records. This match confirms that the device and SIM are authorized to connect, ensuring proper device functionality.

Ensuring Network Security

ICCID numbers ensure that only authorized devices access the network, safeguarding both network integrity and transmitted data. If a SIM card is compromised, its ICCID can be blocked to prevent unauthorized use.

Troubleshooting and Support

ICCID numbers help technical support staff quickly identify and troubleshoot device issues. By referring to the ICCID, technicians can access the device's history and configuration, speeding up problem resolution.

Accurate Billing and Subscription Management

ICCID numbers are linked to specific user accounts and service plans, enabling precise billing based on actual usage. This system ensures users are charged fairly for the services they consume.

Personalized User Management

By using ICCID numbers, network providers can offer tailored services that meet individual user needs. This personalization enhances user satisfaction and service efficiency.

Device Activation

When setting up a new device, the ICCID number ensures it connects to the right network services, providing a smooth start-up experience.

Roaming Services

For users traveling abroad, ICCID numbers manage roaming by identifying the user’s home network. They facilitate connection to foreign networks, ensuring continuous service no matter the location.



Navigating mobile technology involves grappling with numerous acronyms that are crucial for the operation of mobile networks. These terms are often mentioned together, each playing a unique role in cellular communications and IoT device management.

  • IMSI, or International Mobile Subscriber Identity, shifts the focus from the SIM card to the user. It identifies you, the subscriber, to the network. This identifier is vital, especially when you're roaming. It helps networks provide you with seamless service continuity, no matter where you are in the world.
  • MSISDN, or Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number, is essentially your phone number. It ensures that all communications intended for you—calls and messages—are accurately routed to your mobile device.
  • IMEI, or International Mobile Equipment Identity, uniquely identifies each mobile device, separate from the subscriber identity. It's crucial for security, as it lets networks block or allow device access based on their IMEI numbers. This is especially helpful for stolen or lost devices, using the IMEI to prevent these devices from accessing the network and enhancing security.
  • MEID, or Mobile Equipment Identifier, similar to IMEI, is used primarily in CDMA networks to uniquely identify mobile devices. As the industry moves from CDMA to advanced technologies like LTE and 5G, the role of MEID is decreasing but still matters in systems using CDMA. It serves similar security functions as IMEI, allowing for device authentication and aiding in theft prevention.

  • IMSI identifies the subscriber to ensure service continuity, which is particularly important during international roaming.
  • MSISDN serves as your phone number, key for correctly routing all your communications.
  • IMEI authenticates the device within the network, adding a layer of security that lets network operators manage device access, independent of the SIM card used.
  • MEID, while historically significant for CDMA networks, complements IMEI in its security functions and device authentication roles.

Together, these identifiers ensure that your mobile device functions smoothly within network systems, managing connectivity, security, and personal communication efficiently. They form a comprehensive framework that addresses various aspects of network access and user authentication, crucial for maintaining integrity and security in mobile communications.


Practical Examples of ICCID Usage in Various Industries

ICCID numbers are crucial for managing and securing IoT devices across different sectors:


In healthcare, ICCID numbers secure communication between medical devices and healthcare systems. They authenticate devices like heart monitors and insulin pumps, ensuring data integrity and patient privacy. This authentication is crucial for reliable monitoring and effective treatment planning.


ICCID numbers enhance fleet management by maintaining constant connectivity. They help monitor vehicle locations, track fuel usage, and assess driver performance. This connectivity supports logistics companies in optimizing their operations, reducing costs, and improving safety.


In the agricultural sector, ICCID numbers connect smart farming technologies. They help farmers monitor conditions like soil moisture and weather through connected sensors, facilitating data-driven farming decisions. This leads to more efficient resource use, higher yields, and better sustainability practices.


In retail, ICCID numbers keep digital signage and point-of-sale systems continuously online. They ensure that promotional displays and pricing information are always current. This helps streamline the shopping process and enhances customer experience by providing accurate, real-time information.



ICCID numbers are foundational to the security and efficiency of cellular IoT operations. As we look to the future, their significance is expected to grow with advancements in technology like 5G and eSIM. Understanding and utilizing these numbers is essential for anyone in the field, ensuring that IoT ecosystems are not only connected but also secure and optimally functional. Embracing the depth and potential of ICCID numbers will prepare us for the challenges of tomorrow's IoT connectivity demands.