Core Network Essentials for IoT | POND IoT

Written by Julia Samara | August 12, 2024

In the realm of IoT connectivity, the ownership and control of core network elements are crucial for delivering reliable and tailored services. Owning core components lets providers manage and optimize network performance directly. This is crucial for meeting the diverse and changing needs of various industries.

However, simply owning these components is often not sufficient. As technological needs grow more sophisticated, connectivity providers face increasing demands.

They must not only maintain but also continually upgrade and adapt their core network capabilities. This helps better support specific applications and protocols. This proactive approach in network management ensures that IoT deployments across different sectors are efficient, secure, and scalable.

Understanding the fundamental importance of core network ownership sets the stage for exploring how these capabilities must be tailored to meet the specific demands of various industries.


Customizing Core Network Features for Industry-Specific Needs

Different industries have unique requirements that dictate the necessity for specialized network features. For instance, smart metering applications might prioritize connection density over bandwidth and latency.

Conversely, sectors like telemedicine and autonomous vehicles rely heavily on low latency and high reliability. Some industries might emphasize bandwidth, while others might prioritize extended battery life.

Recognizing these diverse needs is crucial. Industries continue to face limitations with their current connectivity solutions. They are seeking advanced network features to support emerging use cases.

Having looked at the varied needs of different sectors, let's explore how these requirements shape the specific network capabilities needed for successful IoT deployments.


Evaluating Core Network Capabilities for IoT Implementation

From a connectivity provider's perspective, it is crucial to thoroughly assess the core network for each IoT deployment. Some scenarios might require additional network capabilities like guaranteed latency or compatibility with newer technologies. Let's explore how different industries necessitate specific network services for their IoT implementations.


Automotive Industry: Cellular Connectivity for eCall

In the automotive sector, the variety of connectivity needs ranges from telematics to navigation systems. A critical feature like eCall, an automated emergency call triggered by sensors during a severe accident, necessitates robust voice communication capabilities. The eCall system needs to enable two-way voice communication.

This means connectivity providers must adapt their core network to support VoLTE, particularly as older technologies like 3G are phased out. This adaptation includes deploying an IP-Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Network to ensure quality and reliability of voice communications over IP networks.


Healthcare: Robust Network for Remote Surgery

In healthcare, remote surgery requires ultra-reliable connections with minimal latency. This is because surgeons operate remotely using robotic arms. This application needs a network that can deliver immediate feedback to the surgeon, with latency as low as 1 ms. Such low latency is only possible with a 5G Standalone (SA) network, not with Non-Standalone (NSA) 5G networks that use older core technologies.


Agriculture: Connectivity for Environmental Monitoring

In agriculture, environmental monitoring sensors are deployed in remote locations with minimal infrastructure and are expected to function over long periods. These sensors greatly benefit from low-power network technologies such as NB-IoT. This technology supports long battery life and works well in stationary settings, without the need for frequent data transmission.

Before deployment, it's crucial that the connectivity provider’s core network supports NB-IoT. They may also need to adapt specific nodes to improve service capabilities for these applications.


Retail and Logistics: Enhancing Connectivity for Efficient Operations

Retail: Enhancing customer experiences with IoT demands robust and reliable data connectivity. This is needed to manage smart shelves and deliver targeted advertising, which requires real-time processing of large volumes of data.

Logistics: IoT devices in logistics, like fleet tracking systems and connected freight containers, need continuous and reliable connectivity. This enables real-time monitoring of location and condition. They may also require advanced geofencing and analytics capabilities within the core network.


Smart Cities: Optimizing Urban Infrastructure through IoT

Smart cities use IoT to optimize the management of public resources, including water, electricity, and traffic systems. These applications need networks that are reliable and secure, and also capable of processing data in real time to effectively manage critical infrastructure.


Manufacturing: Ensuring Seamless Production with Advanced Connectivity

In manufacturing, IoT facilitates predictive maintenance and automation. The sector requires networks that support high data throughput and offer both high reliability and security. This is essential to protect sensitive industrial data and ensure smooth production processes.


Energy Sector: Supporting Remote Connectivity for Renewable Energy

The energy sector, particularly in managing renewable resources like wind and solar power, uses IoT for efficient operation and management. These applications often require networks that can provide connectivity in rural or remote areas. This might involve features such as enhanced signal penetration or satellite connectivity.


Regulatory Considerations in IoT Deployments

It’s crucial to stick to the rules when setting up IoT tech, especially in areas like healthcare and cars. These rules make sure data is safe and systems work like they should.

For healthcare devices, there's a law in the U.S. called HIPAA that keeps patient info safe. In cars, there’s a safety standard called ISO 26262 that checks the safety of electrical setups.

Adhering to these regulations is essential. When we follow them, we ensure our IoT tech is safe, works well, and earns people’s trust.


Challenges and Solutions in IoT Network Management

Despite the rapid advancements, IoT network management faces several challenges. Security remains a primary concern, as the increasing number of connected devices provides more entry points for cyberattacks. Scalability issues also arise as networks must handle growing volumes of data from myriad devices.

Furthermore, integrating new IoT solutions with legacy systems can be problematic, often requiring complex adaptations. To address these challenges, it is crucial to take several steps. First, adopt layered security protocols to enhance protection.

Second, invest in scalable cloud-based solutions that can grow with your needs. Finally, use middleware to bridge the gap between old and new technologies. This approach ensures smoother integration and improves overall system resilience.



As connectivity requirements grow and become more complex, the need for a robust core network is more crucial than ever. Providers of connectivity solutions must consistently evaluate and enhance their network capabilities. This ensures they meet the diverse needs of various IoT applications effectively. It is essential to maintain optimal performance and reliability across all deployment scenarios.

Looking ahead, using artificial intelligence (AI) to manage network operations will transform the field of IoT connectivity. AI will enable the automation of complex decision-making processes, optimize data flow dynamically, and foresee potential disruptions, thereby improving efficiency.

Additionally, the emergence of quantum computing is expected to greatly bolster network security. This technology's capacity to handle large data volumes at incredible speeds will enhance encryption protocols, significantly securing IoT networks from cyber threats. These developments point to a future where IoT connectivity will be faster and more reliable. It will also become smarter and more secure, ready to adapt smoothly to the rapidly changing technological landscape.